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Phoenix Ghosts Blog


The Copper Queen Hotel

Posted on April 15, 2021
We come to you again from the border town of Bisbee, Arizona. This time it's the Copper Queen Hotel that haunts us. Constructed in 1902, the Copper Queen is Arizona's longest continuously operated hot...

The Oliver House

Posted on April 14, 2021
Bisbee’s history of mining, labor strikes, and race riots make it an interesting part of Arizona heritage, but it’s also known to be quite spooky. Those traveling to Bisbee looking for a scare usu...

Morton Hall at Northern Arizona University

Posted on April 14, 2021
Northern Arizona University is well known for its haunted happenings. There are stories of ghosts, suicide rituals, and blood-curdling screams in the dead of night. But nowhere in NAU are the haunting...